Healing workplace cultures
Embodied Inclusion
We believe that the body is a tool for understanding and living out the values of Inclusion and Belonging. Through somatic practices, self-awareness, mindfulness, and self-regulation, we are able to better process what we learn, while also expanding our capacity for understanding, empathy and growth.
Comprehensive Certificate Courses
Our offerings integrate transformative frameworks with Inclusion and Belonging strategies, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of workplace cohesion and community. Our offerings help people and businesses build unique skills that foster a lifetime of compassion and innovation in social and workplace impact.
trauma-informed Practice
Recognizing the impact of trauma on individuals and communities, our approach is informed by practices that prioritize understanding, empathy, and care. We believe that a trauma-informed practice is critical for creating a workplace that cares for the well-being of every person.
Elevate your professional toolkit with our workplace inclusion courses. These tools are inclusive, transformative, and trauma-informed. Advance your career through our unique opportunities for professional development and personal growth.
Our goal is to heal workplaces and workplace culture, instilling psychological safety, true inclusion, and belonging at work. Our consulting services are crafted to flexibly adjust to the unique needs of your workplace. We believe in a well-rounded approach that fosters enduring and sustainable transformation in workplace culture.
Education and ongoing workplace inclusion is central to sustainable frameworks for healthy workplace cultures. The Inclusion School offers live, virtual, and asynchronous training support, action planning, and strategy building for long term goals and outcomes.
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